Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sock Monkey

I love monkeys, and I love sock monkeys.

However, I've never had a sock monkey, and even though I've asked for one for several years for christmas and my birthday, I've yet to get one. Soooo... I decided to take matters into my own hands and make my own sock monkey. :)

This is what he looks like.
Obviously he has a few flaws. As you can tell his right arm (the one on the left in the picture) had some stretching issues. And I sort of messed up around the mouth, which you can't see in this picture.  I'm an extreme beginner when it comes to sewing, so I sort of just guesses when I came to sewing on his extremities. But I managed. I think he turned out pretty well considering my lack of adeptness at hand sewing, and with him being my first sock monkey.

If you want to make one, go to this site, Craft Passion - Sock Monkey.  This blog has the pattern and instructions that I used to make mine own sock monkey. Her's look WAAAY better than mine, but I also am pretty sure she is an avid and pro sewer. (As in a person that sews, not a feces drainage system).

If you are looking for socks to find, good luck. I had a ton of trouble trying to find socks at cute as hers. The socks I used came from But here are some key words to search/look for if you want to find wide-striped socks.

  • crew socks
  • rugby stripe
  • color block
  • wide stripe
P.s. I got to thinking about it, and you probably could use knee socks. If you didn't want an super gangly monkey, you could just not use the full length of the socks for the arms and legs. The reason I am telling you this is because it's easy to find cute/crazy colors and stripes in knee socks. When it comes to crew socks, thats a whooooole 'nother story.

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